
Thank you for your interest in HNDE. The Higher National Diploma Program in Engineering (HNDE) serves to convert the school leavers with specialized mathematical knowledge to middle level technologists who possess relevant Engineering capabilities.

Thank you for your interest in HNDE. This video includes a shorth walkthrough how the things happens in HNDE. 

Should be passed Combined Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry in GCE (A/L) Examination in one sitting.
A pass in the General Papers compulsory for the applicants qualified in the GCE (A/L)new syllabus
Should have a simple pass for English subject in GCE Ordinary Level (O/L)
The Selection Criteria
Short listed applicants will have to face an interview for the selections. The Selections of students will be based on the Z-Score of the Advanced Level Examination. Since the demand for this course is very high, preference will be given to applicants below 23 years of age as at the closing date of applications.
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Frequently asked questions

All Lower Junior classes are taught predominantly by their form teachers and teaching assistants within their own classrooms. The exceptions are Games, French, ICT, library and music, all of which are taught by specialist staff.
Does Ed have sports teams?

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.

What is the student/teacher ratio?

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

What are primary entry points?

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

What is the birthday cut-off?

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.

Do you offer a discount for multiple?

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

Do you offer Financial Assistance?

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.